Our Sunday kids programs are simply called Kids Church!
We teach the Bible (the Holy Scriptures) to our children so that they may personally come to faith in Jesus and grow strong and mature in their faith. Age-appropriate teaching, activities, discussion and crafts are used to help our kids engage and understand. Kids Church runs on Sundays during school terms.
Continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 3:14-15
What to expect on a Sunday
We are a church family, so we want children to be part of our gatherings. Children therefore begin our Sunday morning gatherings with everyone else and head out for age-specific teaching part way through. It is expected a parent will accompany their young children out to Kids Church to check them in. They can then leave them there to head back into the main gathering.
We have a fantastic group of leaders and helpers who are trained to take care of the kids. Kids Church begins with a big group time for all the children together to sing a couple of songs and sometimes do a short activity. Following this, the children divide into 3 age groups for age-appropriate teaching, activities and craft.
Safety of all our children is very important to us. We implement Safe Church – systems that have been carefully designed by Baptist Churches WA. All our volunteers have Working with Children’s Check along with additional checks and training. We implement ministry specific policies to keep kids safe through safe environments and programs.